Tuesday, May 24, 2011


** Update my best suggestion/solution from hearing reviews on other machines is the Silhouette Cameo machine - you can get the bundle from Amazon for  $269.99

I'm sure you all know about Sure Cuts A Lot and Make the Cut by now.  I LOVE my Sure Cuts A Lot and am constantly raving about it because I really feel it is a product that will save my readers money and give them the features they want on their Cricut.  You can read my full review on it at the link at the top of the blog!

Well, as I am sure many of you know you can no longer buy Make the Cut for your Cricut Machine.  Now Craft Edge is no longer selling Sure Cuts A Lot for Cricut either.  There is still one place you can buy it - SVGPlace.  I confirmed with them today that no one can sell it anymore after May 27th.  They also stated they will quit selling it then if they still have copies but stated their inventory is almost gone and they are pretty sure they will be sold out before May 27th.  So if you want Sure Cuts A Lot for your Cricut Machine you need to buy it ASAP - it could sell out at any minute and even if it doesn't they have to quit selling it May 27th and you will no longer have the option to buy it (Thanks to Provo Craft feeling like they need ALL the money and not allowing companies like CraftEdge or Make the Cut to get a little money for something that makes the Provo Craft Cricut Machine so much more worth having!)  I know I never would have got my Cricut Machine without knowing about Sure Cuts A Lot because I didn't want to have to waste a fortune on cartridges.  Apparently Provo Craft doesn't see it this way though and they want ALL the money and you to spend LOTS of it so they've made it so you will no longer be able to get these products compatible for your Cricut Machine.

So if you would like it I am trying to give you all a heads up this is your LAST CHANCE to buy it.  Go here now and get your copy before they are sold out or before May 27th.  (The regular one has already sold out but you can still buy the $99.95 package that comes with a SVGPlace Store Credit - well worth the price!)  Hope you all read this in time!

Thanks & Have a great night!!


SureCutsALot July 21, 2011 at 10:36 AM   1

anyone looking for Sure Cuts A Lot V2 software can contact me at my_space_steve@yahoo.com I have some left.


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