Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Boon Inc. - Flo Review & Giveaway (U.S. Only)

My kids act like wild animals in the tub.  Really, I've tried to tell them it is a place to wash up not act like a wild monkey but they don't listen.  So you can imagine how hard it is to make them hold still long enough to wash their hair.  With my daughter it is that she can't hold still, with my son - he just doesn't want his hair washed - I think boys that age just don't care to be clean!   I was glad to find the Product "Flo" from  This product gently diverts the flow of water into a waterfall effect.  It makes it so nice to get my son to wash his hair as for some reason when you're washing your hair in a waterfall it is not such a chore!  It makes it easier for my daughter for the simple fact of she doesn't need to lay down and submerge half her head in water.  Plus - whatever brother does most be fun!  I love how much easier "Flo" makes the kids bath time!  Plus it is made of a soft protective material which makes it a lot safer than the regular faucet - especially for two kids that can't hold still!

The kids love it, not only for the waterfall but also because it also has a bubble bath dispenser!  It has a reservoir to hold the bubble bath and you just push a little button and it dispenses a little and mixes it in good enough that you get quite a bit of bubbles from each squirt!

The Dirty Truth about Boon Inc's product "Flo" is that it's GREAT!  I love all the features it has and especially for a price of under $20.  It was also very easy to install (about 10 seconds), however when I first turned it on water was also coming out the back and then running along the tub onto the floor.  So when you initially set it up make sure to turn it on for a second to make sure you have it in the right position.  I just had to tilt it forward a little bit and then it all flowed into the waterfall!  I also love that you can still access the shower pull which makes it convenient to be able to just leave the "Flo" on the faucet.  This is a great and inexpensive product for anyone with kids!  Also, Boon Inc has a lot of other tons of other great bath products so make sure to check them out!

TO BUY:  You can purchase any of their great items (including "Flo") at

TO WIN:  One lucky reader will win their very own "Flo"! - Complete ALL Mandatory entries below and any Optional/Bonus entries you want - Leave a separate comment for each and make sure your e-mail address is in each comment!!!

  • Follow Dirty Truth Reviews on Google Friend Connect (must be a public follower so I can verify!)
  • Like Boon Inc on Facebook
 Optional Entries
RULES:  Giveaway ends 06/15/2011 at 11:59 pm- Winner will be chosen via  Leave a comment for each entry you complete.  Please leave your email address in your comments so I can contact the winner.  The winner will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen.  You must do ALL parts that are mandatory or your comments will be deleted/invalid.  
Disclosure:  I was not paid for this review or giveaway.  I was given then above product to review.  Boon Inc is sponsoring the giveaway..  All opinions are my own. I am not responsible for the prize being delivered to the winner of the giveaway - I will forward your information to the sponsor whom is responsible for supplying the winner with the prize.


Tara Oliver May 26, 2011 at 12:33 PM   1

I like you both on Facebook! I am SO now a fan of Boon. very cool! thank you for the giveaway!
tara.the.equestrian at gmail dot com

Tara Oliver May 26, 2011 at 12:35 PM   8

I entered the Build a Dream Playhouses giveaway!
tara.the.equestrian at gmail dot com

Heather R May 26, 2011 at 7:12 PM   12

I Like Ashly at DirtyTruthReviews on Facebook

Heather R May 26, 2011 at 7:14 PM   16

I shared on Facebook
entry 1

Heather R May 26, 2011 at 7:14 PM   17

I shared on Facebook
entry 2

captainliss40 May 26, 2011 at 8:43 PM   18

I'm a follower on GFC and like Boon on facebook (Ali Allen). captainliss40(at)gmail(dot)com

Jennifer C. May 27, 2011 at 3:14 PM   19

I follow via GFC and I like Boon on Facebook

jennifer causby at hotmail dot com

Nikki May 29, 2011 at 8:19 AM   27

tweeted!/MissOsMom/status/74857222458458112 ngiraldi at gmail dot com #1

Nikki May 29, 2011 at 8:19 AM   28

tweeted!/MissOsMom/status/74857222458458112 ngiraldi at gmail dot com #2

Unknown May 31, 2011 at 5:33 PM   29

I follow you with GFC and I already like Boon on Facebook (Amber Larkin)


Unknown May 31, 2011 at 5:45 PM   30

I'm following Boon on Twitter @buttonlove


Danielle K May 31, 2011 at 6:48 PM   31

I follow via GFC and like Boon on Facebook (Danielle Knapp)

danielleaknapp at gmail dot com

Danielle K May 31, 2011 at 6:48 PM   33

I follow the Boon blog on RSS via my Google Reader

danielleaknapp at gmail dot com

Nina H June 3, 2011 at 6:21 PM   38

Follow you on twitter (hungrymonkey09)
hungrymonkey09 at gmail dot com

Nina H June 3, 2011 at 6:22 PM   39

Follow Boon on twitter (hungrymonkey09)
hungrymonkey09 at gmail dot com

Nina H June 3, 2011 at 6:23 PM   41

Tweet entry #1:!/hungrymonkey09/status/76821181310844928
hungrymonkey09 at gmail dot com

Nina H June 3, 2011 at 6:23 PM   42

Tweet entry #2:!/hungrymonkey09/status/76821181310844928
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