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Baby Carriers are becoming more and more popular these days. When I had my son 9 1/2 years ago I don't even know that I had ever seen one. When I had my daughter I had one of those front carriers that you get at Walmart. My little sister was raving about "Ergo Baby Carriers" and how wonderful they are so I decided to find out.... are they really are they are cracked up to be? Are they worth the money? Are baby carriers really that useful or are they just what is "in" right now? Are they comfortable for the child?
Ergo Baby Carrier sent me one of their organic baby carriers to review. When I received it I noticed how cute they are, they are very as my niece would say "stylish". However, I can go buy me a cute and stylish shirt, home decor item, etc. so is this baby carrier really worth your money is the real question.
Reading about Ergo Baby Carriers helped me understand that one of the main reasons these were created was to help you be close to your baby. This might not sound that important when you are holding them most the time anyways, etc. However, I know from experience it does make a difference, or at least I believe that is one of the things that made my daughter and son so different.
When my son was born I held him ALL the time, no exaggeration! I would have someone hold him so I could run to bathroom, or shower, etc.. I held him all the time. Late at night if I was watching TV I would have him laying on my stomach, cuddling, while I watched it. I held him as much as possible. He in turn (at least I believe this is why) LOVES to cuddle. Ever since he was little he loves to "soft your hair" (run his fingers through your hair) and just cuddle, he is truly my little cuddle bunny.
My daughter is a whole other story. I love her just as much but when I had her my work decided to let me work at home (so I would not leave the company). Between work, a son, and all the other activities in life I did not hold her nearly as much. When she slept I put her in her crib. When she was awake she would be held a lot of the time, but a lot of the time she was on her play mat, or in her bouncer chair etc.... Well trying to get cuddles from her is like trying to get blood from a turnip. Maybe not quite that bad, but close. She is so sassy about it too. She knows we just want to hug her, hold her, kiss her, squeeze her, and all she can do is say "NO". Really. I say "Can I have a kiss" and get "NO", "Can I have a Hug?" and get "NO". Don't get me wrong, there are times we get a hug or kiss, times she feels giving I guess - but she doesn't enjoy it like my son does, she doesn't want and need the hugs, cuddling, etc. the way that he does...... the way that I, as a mother do.
Ergo Baby Carriers are designed so that you can carry on your hip, back, or front. This is a huge bonus from the ones I have seen. It is nice because as a infant you can carry them in front and as they get older you can have them on your hip, or on your back. It works great in all positions and you can even change the position while you are carrying your child.
I was a little nervous about trying this with my daughter, as I said she is not the cuddly type and I figured this would be way to close and personal for her. I was wrong, the day I got it I put it on my back and put her in - she loved it. She enjoyed it so much that she cried when I took her out. Thank goodness it balances the childs weight so it doesn't strain your back but puts the weight on your pelvis which can handle more weight. I put her back in and got some of the things I needed to done (cleaning, etc). Not only was it nice because I was getting some "as close as she gets to cuddling" time with her, but anyone with a 2 year old knows as you clean they mess. I loved that I could clean my house a little and she was right there with me rather than messing right behind me! I even hopped on my sons scooter and rode it with her on my back. She thought that was pretty cool too, as did I.
This carrier is not only cute & stylish, it is so useful, and so comfortable. With how much she enjoyed being in this carrier I know that they are comfortable for her to which is even more important!
They also have a ton of great accessories you can get to go with your Ergo Baby Carrier. You can get an infant insert, teething pads, cargo packs, and TONS more.
The Dirty Truth about Ergo Baby Carriers is.... I don't know if I like any of you lucky women that have one. Well okay I still like you, but am EXTREMELY jealous. I wish that I would have had one of these to use when my daughter was first born. Maybe I could get a BIG HUG, or five minutes cuddling, or could have got more done, or had less stress, or maybe even a cleaner house! I am glad to have one now though and even though she is already 2, I am sure we will be using this quite a bit. If you have a little one this is a wonderful investment and is worth every penny. It would also make a wonderful gift for someone.
TO WIN: One lucky reader will win an Ergo Baby Carrier - Complete ALL Mandatory entries below and any Optional/Bonus entries you want - Leave a separate comment for each and make sure your e-mail address is in each comment!!!
* Please note giveaway is open to U.S. & Canada. Canadian residents please be aware that if you win, even though the package will be marked gift you may have to pay custom fees - please keep this in mind when entering.
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- Go to Ergo Baby Carriers Website & then come back and comment with something you learned
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- One entry for any post that doesn't have a giveaway you comment on
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- Post on Ergo Babys Facebook Wall that you entered the giveaway at (leave a link to your post in your comment)
- 2 entries - Blog about this giveaway, Add it to a Giveaway Linky, Tweet it, or post on facebook (with link back to this page).
- 5 entries - Make a purchase from between now and 2/14/11
RULES: Giveaway ends 2/16/2011 at 11:59 pm- Winner will be chosen via Leave a comment for each entry you complete. Please leave your email address in your comments so I can contact the winner. The winner will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen. You must do ALL parts that are mandatory or your comments will be deleted/invalid.
Disclosure: I was not paid for this review or giveaway. I was given the above product to review and all opinions are my own. I am not responsible for the prize being delivered to the winner of the giveaway - I will forward your information to the sponsor whom is responsible for supplying the winner with the prize.
follower and I learned - ERGObaby recommends a weight limit of 40 pounds (18 Kilograms) for its carrier; however, the carrier has been tested up to 90 pounds (41 Kilograms).
twitter follow them -kgail11
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Checked out their website. I had NO idea you could use these as side carriers. How cool!
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I learned that they make organic carriers too!
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I follow you through gfc -- I learned that 'Children can begin signing as early as 6-7 months, and through using physical gesticulations they learn to integrate audio, visual and kinesthetic learning.' from their parenting resources link. ngiraldi @ gmail . com
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I follow you on GFC as Addy Sue and learned that they have a carrier called "options" that lets you change the pattern (HUGE plus so I can have a fun pattern and husband basic black!)
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Ergo started and is based in Hawaii! How cool!
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I learned that the Ergo Carrier is safe to use even when you are pregnant, though its personal preference (so I would assume that some might find it uncomfortable lol)
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learned: they also sell doll carriers so baby can be like mom/dad
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I learned that they are based in Maui! I had no idea!
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gfc follower- I learned that the recommended weight limit is 40 pounds but is tested for up to 90 pounds!
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I learned that they have auctions for final sale items. That's more fun than a clearance section. :)
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I learned that babies sitting in a stroller are less likely to positively interact with the caregivers.
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I follow through google friend connect. I learned that you can get your baby in and out of the carrier by yourself, but ERGO recommends practicing a couple times with someone else there to help just to make sure you have the hang of it.
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I was amazed the ergo could carry kids up to 90 pounds!
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I didn't know that the Ergo could be used in either front or back carrying positions!
getupandplayblog at gmail com
I am a follower via Google Friends Connect. I learned that the carrier has a weight limit of 40lbs.
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I follow via GFC id akritical.
I learned that ERGObaby is a family owned and operated company located on Maui, Hawaii.
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I learned that Ergobaby is family owned and located in Hawaii since 2003!
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I'm a new follower. I learned that the performance Ergo has a longer waist strap than the ergo carrier.
I'm a new follower. Their organic ergo's are made of 100% cotton. Makes me want one really bad!
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Wow! Learned this:
"Important Notice: Counterfeit ERGObaby Carriers are being sold on various websites with addresses similar to “”. These websites may look similar to the official ERGObaby website."
That's absolutely awful!
rubymoonstone at gmail dot com
entered EE Cuties contest
I learned they're located in Hawaii. Looks like such an awesome product, all the other carrier's I've seen are so bulky. This would be so great for my daughter...and LOVE that it's organic, natural products are very important to me, especially because she was born very premature. Thanks for the opportunity!
Chelsea H.
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And I learned you can buy affordable organic carries from them. And that they are located in Beautiful Hawaii
I learned that you it's not good for baby's joints to sit forward-facing in a carrier, as we have done with our Bjorn. Would love to win an ergo to replace the Bjorn
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crobinson at getjive dot com
I had no idea the carriers had been tested for up to 90 pounds!
I learned that I can use this with my two year old!
shannoncarman at yahoo dot com
I learned they were smart and made the Options pack with 2 different sets of covers to change the look. (this would be perfect for my "fashion-forward" niece, but she is not the one pregnant)
auntietina21 AT
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I learned that they have a tell a friend rewards program (in case I don't win). Pays up to 8% commission on sales you deliver to their site from yours.
heinzmom at hotmail dot com (new follower)
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I entered your Simple Fit Redi Blinds giveaway. heinzmom at hotmail dot com
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I learned they have organic carriers. I follow via GFC. etwilkins at gmail dot com
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I learned that the original ERGObaby carriers are made in China and the organic ERGObaby carriers are made in India. The factories are inspected by independent Japanese companies to make sure that fair labor practices are upheld.
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sbaka3 at gmail dot com
I'm entered in the e.e.cuties giveaway ngiraldi @ gmail . com
I follow your blog, and I learned that ERGO has a weight limit of 40 pounds but they have tested up to 90 pounds. There is no way I could carry a 90 pound baby :)
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entered the eat smart scale giveaway!
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samantha.holcomb at gmail dot com
#1 tweet!/dlw447/status/32483072976879616
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deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com
im a follower and i learned that men wear these too!
I entered your EE Cuties giveaway.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
I'm a GFC follower. I learned that they also sell ERGO carriers in Organic Cotton options.
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twitter name: skipbang
I follow your blog and I learned that ERGObaby Carrier has gone through rigorous safety testing and has been certified by the European testing agency TÜV since 2008, and by the Juvenile Products.
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I follow you through GFC!
I learned they can be used for a side carry!
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I follow your blog via google friend connect - Niecey
I visited the site and learned Usually around 6 months, a child will be happy moving to your back. However, it is not unheard of that a 3-½ month old baby can be very happy on the back as well.
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Niecey Docherty
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Niecey Docherty
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