Sunday, November 21, 2010


Okay I admit it.....  I am seriously spoiled.  I was lucky enough to be able to do a product review for L'BRI.   I was anxiously awaiting the product and wasn't even sure which product it would be but was hoping for a facial product.  I was pleasantly surprised when I went to my front door and picked up the box which was about 20 times heavier than I expected!  I really feel spoiled with all the products they sent me to try, especially after trying them out for a little more than a week now!
They sent me the cutest little bag to keep all my products in (about the size of a diaper bag), product information, pamplets, product guide, a sample bag, and another cute little bag with more body product in it!  Really how lucky am I?  Well read my reviews of the products below and you will know!!!

Daily Moisturizing Hand & Body Lotion:  I love the way this makes my skin feel and even more than that I love how long it lasts!  I have found many lotions I liked but none seem to last this long.  This lotion is formulated with an abundant supply of vitamins, natural botanicals, and Alpha Hydroxy Acids which work together to keep your skin moisturized and promote elasticity to prevent wrinkling!  A lotion that works great and keeps the wrinkles away.  You can get the 8 oz bottle that I got for $13.25 and it will last forever because a pea sized amount goes a long way with this!

Gentle Cleansing Lotion:  I really liked this cleanser it is just right when you just need a gentle cleansing.  If you like really gentle cleansers then you would LOVE this stuff.  This cleanser gets the job done but is very gentle at the same time.  If you like Gentle stick with this, if you like to feel the cleaning in action you may want the Deep Pore Cleanser!

Deep Pore Cleanser: Although I think the Gentle Cleansing Lotion works just as good at cleaning off my make up I really like this one!  I can feel it cleaning out my pores.  Don't worry it doesn't burn or anything like that you can just feel when you rub it in it feels like all the dirt is rubbing away!  I love that feeling of washing away all the dirt and impurities away!

Gentle Freshener:  When I first saw the bottle I was a little confused, I didn't know if this was like perfume I am suppose to squirt on my face or what because that really didn't sound like anything I even remotely wanted to do.  This product is great though - after all the cleansing you apply this to a cosmetic pad, cottton ball, etc. and wipe down your face.  The gentle freshener will help protect your skin from bacteria while restoring your skin to it's normal pH balance!  This is like the finishing touch to making your face feel great and so clean!

Exfoliating Face and Body Scrub:  This is another one of my favorites, I love the exfoliating ones because with them you also can feel it getting deep down and cleaning out your pores!  This exfoliating scrub gently lifts tired, dull surface cells and imbedded impurities. 

Facial Masque:  This mask is Awesome!!!  It dries quickly, which is a definite plus because I hate when you get a masque and it takes forever to dry or is hard to scrub off.  This masque has neither of those problems.  It dries quickly (after 10 minutes or so).  Then easily rinse it off and feel how amazing and tight your face feels afterwords!  They call this their instant face lift product and I can see why!

Rejuvenating Facial Peel:  Okay this one is probably my favorite of all of them!  Not only do I like to feel the product work but love how with this peel you can actually SEE the product work.  You apply it, let it sit for 30 seconds or so and then continue working it into the skin.  You will be amazed at how much dead skin comes off while using this peel.  You can actually see the dead skin ball up and roll off your face!  Plus, it feels good - anything that feels good while cleaning my face gets bumped up the list too!

Gentle Moisture Lotion:  This moisturizer is absorbed deeply into your skin but does not leave that miserable oily residue that a lot of the moisturizers leave.  Honestly I hate that feeling, who wants to feel all greasy after finishing their facial routine?  Not me - I think that is why I've never used moisturizers daily, until now - I have been using this daily and my face feels great!

Intense Body Butter:  I don't even know how to describe this - it's kind of like lotion but it just feels so much more moisturizing.  Especially in the winter months I can tell this will get a lot of use - it moisturizes your whole body and makes your skin feel so soft!

Body Polish:  This polish moisturizes, exfoliates, and smooths your skin to perfection!  My skin feels smoother and softer than I ever would have imagined this would make it.  I feel like my skin even looks more beautiful after using this!

Nourishing Body Mist:  Smells wonderful (it is Mandarin Fig).  A little of this goes a long way too - I did a couple sprays and soon realized one would have been plenty for me.  

Smooth n' Firm Eye Repair Gel:  Luckily this is one place I haven't started to wrinkle very badly - however I get bags under my eyes (Mainly because I blog all night like this and then get up for work between 6 am and 7 am).  I have noticed an improvement while using this eye repair gel in the darkness of my eyes and the bags under them.  If I keep up my horrible sleeping habits I better buy stock in this product because I will be using it a lot!
Look at the chart below comparing L'BRI to the Competition and the ingredients they use!

Aloe vs. Water
Vitamins vs. Wax
Herbs vs. Drying Alcohols
Fruit & Plant Essences vs. Synthetic Fragrances
Natural Botanicals vs. Artificial FD&C Dyes

Isn't it pretty obvious which is healthier for your skin?  If you can get a quality product that will do what you are wanting for your skin plus it is the healthy product why would you get anything else?

My Review:

I LOVE L'BRI!  I really like being able to use the Gentle Cleanser when I want just a gentle clean and the deep pore cleanser is my favorite when I need a deep clean.  Also, the Gentle Moisturizer is great but be careful because it comes out of the bottle quite quickly and you only need a little tiny bit to get the job done!
The Chemical Peel is my favorite product and you can see it work right before your eyes.  I think if any of you try this out you will love it.  I don't use the more pricey facial products very often.  However, after feeling how great my face has felt after using these products for a little over a week and seeing how much better it looks I think I am going to be a loyal L'BRI Customer.  I really want to try their Anti-Aging Skin Solutions.  I am only 27 and have smile lines and forehead lines - makes me crazy but if their Anti-Aging Products work as well as the products I received then I know it will be worth every penny!  These products cost more than the one's you buy at Walmart, etc. but you get what you pay for.  These work much better and they last forever - after a week of use you can't even tell any has been used out of any of my bottles.  I would guess these will last somewhere between 4-6 months.

Great Offer:

If you want to try out these products before you by them head over to  They will send you a sample of the Deep Pore Cleanser, Gentle Freshener, Gentle Moisture Lotion, Facial Masque, Exfoliating Face and Body Scrub, Smooth n' Firm Eye Repair Gel, and the Rejuvenating Facial Peel for FREE.  You just pay $6.95 for the shipping and handling and they will send you the above sample pack for free (WARNING:  One you try I have a feeling you will want to buy them, so beware!)

TO BUY:  To get these great L'BRI Products read above about ordering a sample pack, just head over to - if you already know you want the full sized products go to

TO WIN:  Someone is going to win the Basic Set 2 which includes a few of my favorites.  It includes the Skin Care Trio of your choice (You can get the Gentle Trio, Deep Pore Trio, or Combination Trio which has the Deep Pore Cleanser but Gentle Freshener & Moisturizer) and also includes the Facial Peel and Eye Repair Gel.  Now who's spoiled?  We'll find out soon!!!

  • Go to www.Lbri and comment here telling me something you would love to try that was not in my above post/review
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  • 5 entries - Make any purchase from (even the free sample pack will count for this, if you order & pay the S&H for the sample pack I will give you 5 extra entries!!!)

RULES:  Giveaway ends 12/10/2010 at 11:59 pm- Winner will be chosen via  Leave a comment for each entry you complete.  Please leave your email address in your comments so I can contact the winner.  The winner will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen.  You must do ALL parts that are mandatory or your comments will be deleted/invalid.  
Disclosure:  I was not paid for this review or giveaway.  I was given the above product to review and all opinions are my own. I am not responsible for the prize being delivered to the winner of the giveaway - I will forward your information to the sponsor whom is responsible for supplying the winner with the prize.


Jasmine1485 November 22, 2010 at 3:13 AM  

I'm following via GFC as Jasmine1485 and I'd like to try the Deep Pore Freshener

Kate1485 at

Jasmine1485 November 22, 2010 at 3:15 AM  

I tweeted about it:

Kate1485 at

Jasmine1485 November 22, 2010 at 3:16 AM  

I tweeted about it:

Kate1485 at

Entry 2

Emily November 22, 2010 at 7:05 AM  

I follow you on GFC I would like to try TIME ERASE - ALPHA HYDROXY SLOW RELEASE SERUM

Hilary November 23, 2010 at 6:51 AM  

I visited the website and would love to try the Smooth n' Firm Eye Repair Gel...I know you listed it, but everything I want to try you listed! :)

hookemhil @

Wee Expressions November 24, 2010 at 6:25 PM  


Anonymous,  November 24, 2010 at 9:43 PM  

gfc follower

Marija November 25, 2010 at 1:36 PM  

I'd like to try the Go and Glow Beauty collection.

marija.majerle at gmail dot com

Marija November 25, 2010 at 1:37 PM  

following you on twitter @mrsclutterbuck

marija.majerle at gmail dot com

Marija November 25, 2010 at 1:38 PM  

following l'bri on twitter @mrsclutterbuck

marija.majerle at gmail dot com

Marija November 25, 2010 at 1:38 PM  

I entered the Community Coffee giveaway.

marija.majerle at gmail dot com

Marija November 25, 2010 at 1:39 PM  

I entered the Magens Bay Design giveaway.

marija.majerle at gmail dot com

Marija November 25, 2010 at 1:39 PM  

I entered the Carmex 2 Tinted Lip Balms giveaway.

marija.majerle at gmail dot com

very married November 25, 2010 at 2:05 PM  


you covered a lot! i think you didn't mention gentle freshener - that seems interesting!

Mammamoiselle November 25, 2010 at 8:24 PM  

I would want to try the Intense Moisture Creme. and I follow via Gfc as Stephanie
stephcrs339 at gmail dot com

Marie November 26, 2010 at 2:50 PM  

GFC Follower (Marie)

I would love to try the night repair cream. It would be exciting to wake up and see your face different form when you went to sleep!

Marie November 26, 2010 at 2:54 PM  

added your button to my blog (1)

Marie November 26, 2010 at 2:55 PM  

added your button to my blog (2)

Anne D. November 27, 2010 at 12:56 PM  

I'd like to try the Aloe Nourishing shampoo and I follow you via gfc (I'm annejk112233) annejk112233(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anne D. November 27, 2010 at 1:04 PM  

I follow LBRI on Twitter (I"m wowtotweet) annejk112233(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anne D. November 27, 2010 at 1:07 PM!/permalink.php?story_fbid=127181994009940&id=1084803569 above is my post on fb about your giveaway. annejk112233(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anne D. November 27, 2010 at 1:07 PM!/permalink.php?story_fbid=127181994009940&id=1084803569 above is my post on fb about your giveaway. annejk112233(at)yahoo(dot)com (entry 2)

Anne November 27, 2010 at 4:06 PM  

I follow on google friend connect and I'd like to try the go and glow beauty collection
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

Jessica December 3, 2010 at 8:07 AM  

I follow your blog through google friend connect. I would also love to try the Klear Away acne treatment.
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica December 3, 2010 at 8:10 AM  

I tweeted
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica December 3, 2010 at 8:10 AM  

I tweeted 2
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

mverno December 3, 2010 at 11:04 AM  

i follow (mverno) like to try the
Nutri Aloe: For Health and Vitality

Unknown December 3, 2010 at 2:49 PM  

follow GFC kendra22, like to the the Nutri Aloe, looks like an awesome product

mogrill December 3, 2010 at 3:06 PM  

Id like to try the Nutri Aloe.
Thanks for the chance.

PAIGE December 4, 2010 at 11:18 AM  

i follow on GFC and would really like the aloe vera wrinkle gel. wowowow

Unknown December 4, 2010 at 12:51 PM  

I follow as Jen via GFC. Was looking at their catalog, so many things I want to try!

The alpha hydroxy hand and body lotion sounds great, I need to shed all of the dead skin cells I can!

I also liked the pore deep cleansing mist, i've yet to find a solution to my yucky clogged pores.

jentabulous at hotmail dot com

Unknown December 4, 2010 at 12:56 PM  

Liked Dirty Truth Reviews on Facebook as Jen j. Il

jentabulous at hotmail dot com

katherine December 4, 2010 at 11:36 PM  

I'd like to try the Aloe Nourishing shampoo and conditioner

Hoa December 8, 2010 at 5:09 PM  

GFC Follower: Hoa
I'd love to try the Facial Masque.


Hoa December 8, 2010 at 5:11 PM  

Subscribed to your blog via e-mail.


Hoa December 8, 2010 at 5:13 PM  

Following L'BRI on Twitter (@hle123).


Hoa December 8, 2010 at 5:16 PM  

Following you on Twitter (@hle123).


Hoa December 8, 2010 at 5:19 PM  

Liked L'BRI on Facebook
Hoa Le


Hoa December 8, 2010 at 5:23 PM  

Liked DirtyTruthReviews on Facebook
Hoa Le


Gina December 8, 2010 at 5:39 PM  

I would love to try their Aloe Nourishing Shampoo & Conditioner.
yummyfaerie at hotmail dot com

Rebekah December 8, 2010 at 9:16 PM  

I follow on GFC and I would like to try their lipsticks

miryfaye at

Rebekah December 8, 2010 at 9:20 PM  

1. Tweet -!/miryfaye/status/12738132436852736

miryfaye at

Rebekah December 8, 2010 at 9:20 PM  

2. Tweet -!/miryfaye/status/12738132436852736

miryfaye at

Hifam December 9, 2010 at 6:46 AM  

I follow with gfc (psychdog) and would love to try the perfect finish loose powder.
hickenfam at hotmail dot com

Hotsnotty2 December 9, 2010 at 12:56 PM  

Follower, I'd like to try the Aloe Nourishing shampoo, thanks!

Anonymous,  December 10, 2010 at 11:27 AM  


The BASIC SKIN CARE SET - GENTLE w/INTENSE for men would be nice for my husband. :)

THANKS! tripsma at gmail dot com

Anonymous,  December 10, 2010 at 11:28 AM  

Following L'Bri on Twitter - surromama2

THANKS! tripsma at gmail dot com

Anonymous,  December 10, 2010 at 11:28 AM  

Following YOU on Twitter - surromama2

THANKS! tripsma at gmail dot com

Anonymous,  December 10, 2010 at 5:33 PM  

I'd like to try the High Antioxidant Night Repair Cream!

I'm a GFC follower :D

teeganbriggs at gmail dot com

Unknown December 31, 2010 at 12:38 PM  

i follow your blog and i'd like to try the aloe nourishing shampoo and conditioner

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