Monday, April 1, 2013

SwimZip Spring Break Giveaway & Review

I was really excited when SwimZip - especially because my baby is pasty!  My older two both have a more olive complexion like me, but our youngest definitely took after daddy & I know we are going to have to take a lot of precautions with her in the sun!  I decided this was the perfect opportunity to try out these swimsuits on my 4 year old so when the baby gets a little older I will know if this is something I would want to purchase for her.

SwimZip offers super cute swimsuits for children up to size 4T with UPF 50+ Sun Protection.  This means that the fabric is excellent at blocking the sun's UVA & UVB rays (they block 99% of these rays).  Not only is this great to prevent sunburns but it can help dramatically reduce your child's risk of skin cancer later in life.  The fabric is made of a Lycra/Nylon blend which allows for quick drying and extremely soft swimwear.  Here is a great illustration that shows many of the benefits of the SmimZip Swimsuits.

SwimZip UV Protection Swimsuits
The Dirty Truth is these swimsuits are great.  My daughter has been determined to wear hers everytime she takes a bath because she loves it so much (and it is still a little too chilly to go swimming)!  I love knowing that she will be protected from the harmful effects of UV Rays & still be able to have fun all day in the sun!  The swimming suit is amazingly soft and cute.

I will definitely be getting my youngest one of these suits as well and am so excited they have a few more cute styles coming out (including some long sleeve suits).  With how pasty she is I think she will be definitely getting the long sleeve version to give her even more protection.  I would highly recommend these to anyone who is concerned about the effects of UV rays on their little one & wants more protection, or to anyone who is just looking for a super cute swimsuit for their little guy or gal!
SwimZip in Bathtub
Bathing with her SwimZip Suit (and preparing to spit out water - silly girl)

To Purchase a SwimZip Suit or sign up to get one of their new styles that are coming soon head over to their site at

You can also find Swimzip products on Amazon 

Enter to win your own SwimZip Swim Suit on the Rafflecopter Form Below

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure:  I was not paid for this review - I received the above product to facilitate my review and all opinions are my 100% honest opinions.  Post may contain affiliate links.


  1. how cute! I would probably get the surfer dude for my little baby for next year.

  2. i love the grey grey go away and the surfer dude :)

  3. I love the Ruffle Me Pretty!


  4. I love the All Aboard suit. So unique :)

  5. fave:

  6. i would love the Beach bum style in size 12-18 months

  7. I like the "Beach Bum Style".
    :)Jeanne Bates Tennant

  8. I love the Caribbean dolphin
