Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Make sure if you like to keep up on who the winners are that you are checking the winners page/tab.

I am no longer going to post the winner for each giveaway as it clutters up the blog and makes you have to go through more pages of old posts to find the reviews/giveaways.  I will leave the links for the giveaway open until the winners have responded/been verified.  Once the link has been removed it means the winner has responded and they will be listed on the Winners page Tab.

Make sure to enter all the giveaways ending within the next week & there are a few High Value giveaways just posted so check them out too!

Well my daughter turns 2 tomorrow so I am probably done blogging for the night & going to finish wrapping her presents & picking up the house for her birthday party!  Time sure flies - it seems like she just barely turned 1.  I guess it kind of feels the same for my son though and he is 9 now so by now I should probably know what to expect!

Goodnight :)  and Have a great rest of the week!


  1. Hello, I am a new follower from Welcome Wednesday!
    Can't wait to enter some giveaways :)

  2. I'm your newest follower from the Welcome Wednesday Blog Hop. I hope you'll return the favor. I host a blog hop on Sundays. If you link up, you have the opportunity to win a $20 Gift Card just by leaving me a comment! Hope to see you there! :)

  3. Hello - I'm your newest follower from the Welcome Wednesday. If you get a chance follow me at http://lunasavings.blogspot.com and like me on facebook!
