Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Warmly Yours Area Rug Warmer Review

I recently received the area rug warmer from Warmly Yours to review.  A lot of products I get to review I am skeptical about before I try them!  Well, this was not one of them.  I was pretty sure to start with this would be a big hit in our home.  My husband loves warmth more than anyone I know!  Seriously, it is almost like a sickness.  Our thermostat is probably set to 74 or 75 as I sit here and type!  The sad part is I have gotten use to it in our house.  Still when we go in the car or truck or stay in a hotel I cannot handle the heater on as much as he wants, but slowly he is infecting me with his "I am always cold sickness".  So I knew the heating would be great but the test - how good does it really warm that area of your home?  When you shove it under a rug can you really feel it in the room or is there just warmth if you are sitting on the rug or have your feet on the rug?

We have been using the rug warmer for a couple weeks now and are amazed at how much warmth it puts off.  If you sit on it too long you are really gonna feel the heat, it's like a giant hot pad!  The nice thing is that you can feel the heat radiating through the room too, it really does warm up our whole family room (granted it is not a really big family room but more an average sized one).  I was also worried that maybe after the first few times it would start to lose a little of the warmth and not work as well.  However, we use it all the time and it is still working great and putting of quite a bit of heat.  These rug warmers work much better than I had ever expected.  I am even considering the under tile warmers now that my husband has wanted for years.  I don't like to encourage his cold behavior so previously I had never agreed, but I am starting to think this kind of radiant heat might be nice in the bathroom when you hop out of the shower!  I hate getting out and freezing!
Warmly Yours has so many great products.  I had heard of the under tile warmers but they have way more than that!

If you have experienced a storm lately like the one we experienced today I bet the sound of this will get you excited......  how about some snow melting products from Warmly Yours?  They have products you install that will keep your driveway, sidewalks, and other areas clear!  No more back breaking shoveling.  That sounds pretty great to me, last week I got quite the wake up call that I am getting old.  I shoveled the snow  just on our front sidewalk & the walk to our door and felt crippled the rest of the entire day!

They also carry Towel Warmers, all sorts of Floor Heating, Roof & Gutter deicing products, Under Desk @armers, Shower Systems, Mirror Defoggers, etc.  Want more info?  Well, go check out and you can find all the info you need including quotes on some of their products.  If you still have questions just call the customer service number on their website and they will get you taken care of!

My final say?  Warmly Yours is a great company with great products.  I love finding new and innovative things for my home, especially when they are so functional!  You will want to check them out, and make sure to tell your friends! I wish someone would have told me about these products years ago - it would have saved a lot of stress trying to figure out Birthday, Christmas, and Anniversary presents for my husband!!!

Disclosure:  I was not paid for this review.  I was given the above product to review and no other means of compensation.  All opinions are my own and were not influenced in any way.


  1. Stopping by to say hi from blog hop - Shah. X

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  3. thanks for the idea realy help me a lot, Now, I know what is the best area rug to choose thanks!

  4. Glad the review helped you! We are enjoying our rug warmer! I'm sure you'll love it too! Thanks for stopping by DirtyTruthReviews :)

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