Sunday, December 5, 2010


Congrats to DesiClark #82 you just won the Carmex giveaway too!  It must be your lucky day to win 2 especially because the original winner of the Carmex giveaway is such a sweet heart and has such good luck too!  She responded quickly to the e-mail I sent her and said she just found out she won another Carmex giveaway too so she wanted me to go ahead and re-draw a winner for this giveaway!  How sweet is that!  I thought that was pretty awesome of her and the funny part was when I re-did it on it was #76 which was still her!  Third times the charm huh?  #82 DesiClark is our winner!  I will e-mail you for this one - please respond within 48 hours so a new winner is not chosen!

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