Sunday, December 5, 2010

CSN Stores Review

I was thrilled to be able to do a CSN Stores review.  I had noticed CSN before and they have so much stuff so I knew I would be able to find something I loved!  Actually, it took me days to decide on what to get because they have so many options!!
After browsing for quite some time I found the perfect toy for my daughter!  She just loves dolls (aka her babies) and she loves to put them to bed, tell them "na, nite", and blow them a kiss!  You think I am kidding?  No really she puts them to bed on the couch, in a box, wherever she can find.  I always tease my husband that it is a good thing we haven't had another child because she would shove the baby in a box close the lid and tell him or her "na, nite".

See the picture above?  Tell me that is not adorable!  My daughter just LOVES this and no more problem with trying to find where she last shoved her baby!  She loves to put her doll to bed in this little crib.  It is also nice for me because with a 2 year old the toy clutter starts to make me crazy sometimes so having the little baskets for her doll accessories is oh so nice!  Plus how cute is the little mobile?  The best part you ask?  This item retails for $80 but from CSN it is just $30!  A savings of 63%!  Now to get a toy that my daughter loves and it a great product at 63% off is just GREAT!
  I am a bargain shopper - seriously.  If buy anything at full price it gives me anxiety for a week.  I use coupons, I research products and their reviews, I research online coupon codes, and I make sure I am getting the best deal!  With CSN I know that I am getting a great deal.  I even noticed tonight browsing through Gun Scopes online for my husband that CSN carries Gun Scopes.  When I went to compare their prices with I noticed that even shows on their website that the gun scopes I liked are sold and shipped by  I was pretty amazed that I had found this new amazing online store that is a well kept secret.  I was amazed again to find out they must not be a well kept secret if a company as big as Walmart goes through them!  So if you don't know about you're definitely out of the loop and you better go check them out!
Really they have everything from Flat Screen TV Stands, Toys, Gun Scopes, Home Improvement Items (which hopefully I can order soon to finish my basement), and SO MUCH MORE!  You're wasting time searching for good deals and more than likely wasting money if you haven't checked out so go see all they have!

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