Tuesday, November 2, 2010

VOTING DAY - Extra giveaway entries

I have no way to verify this so I'm counting on everyone to be honest!
Today is Election day!  Make sure to go vote - I don't care who or what you are voting for, just that you actually make your voice heard and go put in your vote!

If you voted today leave a comment on this post saying "I VOTED" and then take two extra entries for which ever giveaway you would like or one extra entry for two different giveaways - however you want to do it!

Thanks everyone :)


  1. I voted!!!

    susan (at) cravingthesavings (dot) com

  2. I voted! It was through the mail(absentee vote balloT) though, because I'm living in VA for the next 2 years, but am registered in VT.

  3. Voted i am also a new Follower from totally Tuesday I am about to peek at your giveawasy a saw some i LIKED be sure to check out mine on My Blog hope you will return the follow

    Ladii Aponte
