Thursday, November 25, 2010


The Teewit winner is #18 - Anja I have e-mailed you please respond within 48 hours!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!  Drive Safe, enjoy your day, and eat lots!!!  I have some more reviews/giveaways to post I will try to get to some tomorrow but I might be out shopping most of the day if I feel brave and weather is okay tomorrow morning - either way they will be posted soon!  

Thanks Everyone & Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Congrats! I have an award for you-

  2. hey hun, i have not heard anything back from the giveaway sponsor. she did email asking what i wanted engraved and once i sent her what i wanted i havnt heard anything. She never asked for my shipping info, and has not responded to my email i sent her last week

  3. I sent her your shipping information so hopefully she is just working on personalizing it and shipping it out. I received it rather quickly from her so if you don't receive it by Friday let me know and I will see what is going on but she did e-mail me and told me that she had got the info you wanted on it and was working on it so I am betting you will receive it soon!

    Thanks a ton & let me know if you get it by Friday :) Have a great week!
