Monday, November 8, 2010


Have you ever heard of Soda Stream?  I just recently heard of this company and was THRILLED that they let me try their Soda Stream Machine & Soda Syrups!  I was pretty sure I would like the machine but that it would be a close second to soda for me, that you would be able to taste that it was not straight out of the two-liter at the store!  I was so wrong!  I made the root beer first, just to prove my theory (and because my son wanted root beer floats!)  I even invited over a friend and my sister to try it with me.  We all loved it!  It took about 20 seconds to make it and we had Root Beer that tasted like.....  root beer!  Best part is that it has no High Fructose Corn Syrup, so it is healthier, more convenient, and taste just as delicious if not more than the soda you buy at the floor.

You have no idea how excited I am about this, we live about 10 minutes from the nearest grocery store so when I buy soda I stock up - I have about 9 two-liters in my garage and have not touched any of them since I got this machine (granted I will probably open one of the Pomegranite 7-ups as I love them!)

If you hate storing two-liters and cans, want to save money, want soda that tastes just as good if not better than the store bought but has NO High Fructose Corn Syrup, if you are worried about your carbon footprint, or if you just think this is the coolest little machine every and super convenient then this is definitely something you should check into getting (and remember Christmas is coming and this would make a great gift also!)

If you want to buy one of these Nifty products you can go to in the United States or in Canada.
You can also keep updated with SodaStream by joining them on Facebook or Twitter

You can also check on the Soda Stream website to see where you can buy their products locally!  I know Shopko, Bed Bath and Beyond, Sears, Macy's, & Bloomingdales are just a few of the places you can go to get your awesome Soda Stream Machine.

Tell me your favorite feature of this machine or just say you read the review or comment with anything on THIS POST and you can take an extra entry into any of my giveaways!  Just leave a comment on the giveaway stating "Commented on SodaStream" with your email!

Thanks for Checking out their website, Facebook, and/or Twitter
Thank you thank you thank you to SodaStream for my new Soda Machine - I absolutely love it and this product definitely gets two thumbs up from me and the rest of my family too!

Disclosure:  I was not paid for this review, I was sent this product free of charge to form my review - all opinions are mine and were not influenced by any other factor.


  1. That rocks!! What a freaking blast to have in the house!!!

    swinging by from the blog hop.

    The Survival Mama

  2. I love that the soda stream is so eco friendly. I have it on my christmas list.
